
Showing posts from October, 2018

Is Venus ever a harbor for life?

A panoramic shot of Venus by the Venera 13 lander. Credits: Roscosmos.    Now if you try asking that question, you'll be slammed with a NO. Venus, (Roman god of love and beauty) has sulfuric acid in the atmosphere, hurricane force winds, and temperatures so hot that lead melts in the planet. Venus is engulfed with many greenhouse gases and so the heat just stays in the planet, maybe never leaving the planet. Also Venus, unlike the other planets spins 'backwards', and so slowly that a day is almost half of its year (116 days and 18 hrs)! The sister planet of Earth also does not have any natural satellites unlike Earth (which is the moon), and its orbit around the sun is a little shorter by 100 days of an year of Earth (224.7 days). Scientists think that millions of years ago, Venus was just like Earth, a habitable place, and that life even exists on it! South pole of Venus, radar mapped by a probe in the Magellan Mission. Credits: NASA.     However, the landers