
Showing posts from 2018

Is Venus ever a harbor for life?

A panoramic shot of Venus by the Venera 13 lander. Credits: Roscosmos.    Now if you try asking that question, you'll be slammed with a NO. Venus, (Roman god of love and beauty) has sulfuric acid in the atmosphere, hurricane force winds, and temperatures so hot that lead melts in the planet. Venus is engulfed with many greenhouse gases and so the heat just stays in the planet, maybe never leaving the planet. Also Venus, unlike the other planets spins 'backwards', and so slowly that a day is almost half of its year (116 days and 18 hrs)! The sister planet of Earth also does not have any natural satellites unlike Earth (which is the moon), and its orbit around the sun is a little shorter by 100 days of an year of Earth (224.7 days). Scientists think that millions of years ago, Venus was just like Earth, a habitable place, and that life even exists on it! South pole of Venus, radar mapped by a probe in the Magellan Mission. Credits: NASA.     However, the landers

Does Air Exist on Mars?

Mars' global dust storm, see all the dust. Courtesy of NASA/JPL.    The Red Planet, saw from the eyes of the Roman people, gave this planet a name of Mars, the Roman God of war. Many probes and rovers sent by NASA successfully has given us 'eyes' on this "Bloody Planet". Air has been proven by these machineries at the planet, but is there the ingredients for life? (Oxygen, hydrogen, etc.) Video taken by the Opportunity Rover's cameras, shows that there are clouds on the planet. Courtesy of NASA/JPL.    The atmosphere of Mars is almost 100 times thinner than the atmosphere of Earth's, with mostly 96% Carbon dioxide, less than 2% of argon and nitrogen, and less than 1% of all other gases like oxygen and hydrogen. However, despite its small atmosphere, Mars still have clouds, weather and dust storms. Dust devils happen globally on the planet in periods of times, and Hubble Telescope has discovered that hydrogen is escaping the planet every time a l

Are Bodies of Water on Mars?

Mars from a small telescope.   Mars, named after the Roman god of war because of its red color, is now a common interest at astronomers, and space agencies, like NASA, Space X, JAXA, and ROSCOSMOS. The Red Planet is labeled in the zone, where the planet has temperatures that might could harbor life and have liquid water. Water, not bodies of water, has been confirmed that the Red Planet is wet, but is there enough water for life? Mars Rover Curiosity looks at its tracks on the wet Mars soil. Courtesy of NASA/JPL.   Spacecrafts and rover on the red planet had given proof that rivers and oceans once existed on Mars. However, due to the thin atmosphere of Mars, many liquid water either evaporated into space, or seeped into the interior of the planet. Near the equator, where the rovers do their observations, discovered many recurring slope lineae on the soil, with seasonal dark streaks, suggests that salt water is flowing on the planet. Curiosity had discovered many rocks

Global Warming----is it Us, or it is Them?

Big wildfires, caused by the hot and dry climates in California.  Temperature records in Earth's History. One of the biggest thing that we are facing these recent year is global warming. Global warming causes the worldwide climates to go warmer than usual. This can affect animals, the environment, and even humans. Many people argue about this, is it us that caused this worldwide problem, or it them, nature, that it was suppose to happen? Pollution blocks the view of the mountains.  Well one of the biggest point of climate warming is the increasing of greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide and methane. Richard Rood supports,  " The carbon dioxide that accumulates in the atmosphere insulates the surface of the Earth. It’s like a warming blanket that holds in heat. This energy increases the Earth’s surface average temperature... " Richard means here is that the carbon dioxide holds in the radiation (heat), from the sun, and like a blanket, it will keep the t