Global Warming----is it Us, or it is Them?

Big wildfires, caused by the hot and
dry climates in California. 

Temperature records in Earth's History.
One of the biggest thing that we are facing these recent year is global warming. Global warming causes the worldwide climates to go warmer than usual. This can affect animals, the environment, and even humans. Many people argue about this, is it us that caused this worldwide problem, or it them, nature, that it was suppose to happen?

Pollution blocks the view of
the mountains.
 Well one of the biggest point of climate warming is the increasing of greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide and methane. Richard Rood supports,  "The carbon dioxide that accumulates in the atmosphere insulates the surface of the Earth. It’s like a warming blanket that holds in heat. This energy increases the Earth’s surface average temperature..." Richard means here is that the carbon dioxide holds in the radiation (heat), from the sun, and like a blanket, it will keep the temperature warmer, and as it keeps on going, the temperature would get hotter, like in a greenhouse. An author from the EarthObservatory (NASA) opposes, "The paleoclimate record combined with global models shows past ice ages as well as periods even warmer than today. But the paleoclimate record also reveals that the current climatic warming is occurring much more rapidly than past warming events. As the Earth moved out of ice ages over the past million years, the global temperature rose a total of 4 to 7 degrees Celsius over about 5,000 years. In the past century alone, the temperature has climbed 0.7 degrees Celsius, roughly ten times faster than the average rate of ice-age-recovery warming." Yes, there are times in Earth's history that climate was warmer than today, but, right now the globe is still being warmed, it has not stopped yet. And although, the Earth's recovery from the Ice Age, has been a little bit faster, but you have to take into account that it was only rising by 0.7 degrees for every century, unlike the rising temperatures in the last few decades.

Smoke from wildfires
caused by fires in
California blocks the sun.

Well, you may ask, if it is human's fault, then where does the greenhouse gases come from? Well that's simple, from cars, power plants and air conditioners, all releases pollution into the atmosphere. An author from ProCon.Org, states, "Since 1751 about 337 billion metric tons of CO2 have been released into the atmosphere from the burning of fossil fuels and cement production..." What is being said here is that loads of greenhouse gases being reduced into the air by human activities, since 1751, or the Industrial Revolution. Another ProCon.Org author argues, "The recent global warming period of the 20th century is the result of a natural 21-year temperature cool period in the 2030s", explaining that the climate warming is only for the cooling for the 2030s. For the twenty thirties!! It is the 2010s, almost the 2020s, and yet, the climate is still rising!! The temperatures are not going to drop fast enough for the 2030s, unless, the sun burned out, or ashes that blocks the entire atmosphere, blocking out all sunlight for a whole year, or else, good-day weathers, cannot bring a hot temperature change down to a cooling.

Aero-view of Los Angeles.
Notice a layer of pollution
that shelters above the city.

Even with all these climate problems, a scientist may say that it is not Carbon Dioxide that is warming the globe, because there are many trees in the world, and they have photosynthesis, which plants make the carbon dioxide sugar for the plant itself, and also releases oxygen into the air. Yes, there are still trees in the world, but many are being cut, for paper, houses, shipping boxes, wood planks, furniture, and many other household and daily things, and that's the dudes that help convert the carbon dioxide into oxygen for the planet!

Global warming is a large problem that we are facing now, but who's at fault? Who are the ones destroying the earth? Well you decided for yourself, we or natural forces.

Pollution are thrown into the sky from these
power plants.


Graph of 65 Millions Years of Climate Change is created by Robert A. Rohde,


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